‘Saber Más, Vivir Mejor’ es un programa educativo que desde la Asociación Burgalesa de Esclerosis Múltiple (ASBEM) impartimos en los colegios de primaria para que los niños aprendan qué es la esclerosis múltiple y nuestra labor. Y los niños después se lo enseñen a sus padres.

Os mostramos el link directo del facebook del Colegio Príncipe de Asturias en el cual desarrollamos el Programa Educativo sobre Conocimiento de la Esclerosis Múltiple. En él veréis fotos, cartas, dibujos… 


Os mostramos una redacción y dibujos que han hecho los niños y niñas de 6º curso del Colegio Príncipe de España de Miranda de Ebro después de realizar el Taller sobre Esclerosis Múltiple y enseñarles la enfermedad y el trabajo que desarrollamos rompiendo estereotipos y falsas ideas. Parece que merece la pena todo el trabajo y esfuerzo que desarrollamos día a día pues creemos que han aprendido muy bien la lección.

Visto el éxito de este programa continuaremos este año con éste y más colegios , incluso introduciremos mejoras y novedades.


dibujo esclerosis múltiple 1

dibujo esclerosis múltiple 2

345 comentarios

  1. The synthesis FRQ gives students six sources with which to form and argue for a position on a topic the test provides. In order to score an 8 on the synthesis FRQ question, students need to write an essay that effectively argues a position, synthesizes at least 3 of the sources, uses appropriate and convincing evidence, and showcases a wide range of the elements of writing. Essays that score a 9 do all of that and demonstrate sophistication in their argument. There are two main types of synthesis essays, namely, explanatory synthesis essays and argumentative synthesis essays. However, you may also be tasked with writing a synthesis essay in the form of a review. While explanatory synthesis essays should explain the arguments in the analyzed sources, argumentative synthesis essays combine the pieces of important information from sources to make a new argument.
    My daughter would benefit from some writing tutoring and homework support. She is 13 and will be entering 8th grade in the fall. She will work best w someone who kindly sets a high bar and who can make the work seem a bit fun and works w some sort of reward system (as that motivates her). She needs to work on her academic writing and on staying focused and on-task. We live in Berkeley and are looking for someone to tutor her *in person* not too far from home.  Admissions & aid Build a deep, solid understanding in math, science, and more. Comprehensive Test Prep: The SAT tutors at Gables Tutoring know the ins and outs of these high-stakes tests, meaning they will teach you the testing strategies that you need to get the score that you want. John D. was extremely helpful. He got straight to what I needed help with, gave me helpful tips and pointed me to resources I didn’t know existed. He was also understanding when I lost power and had to log back on. He’ll definitel… read the full review – Alma, 2 lessons with John

  2. Here at Kriptomat, we have developed our own way of exchanging cryptocurrencies that eliminates the problems associated with all the methods mentioned above and makes the whole process simple. This is how to swap cryptocurrency if you don’t have the time or inclination to become a blockchain programmer.  From Bitcoin to Ethereum, Litecoin, and more, you can trade cryptocurrency price movements against the US dollar with better-than-market conditions. Crypto swapping is crucial for obtaining coins with low market capitalization. For instance, crypto exchanges offer to limit trading pairs of lesser-known coins. Crypto swapping makes a path for accessing your desired crypto. For example, targeting a hypothetical token $RIQ, you can swap Bitcoin in a $BTC $ETH pair, obtaining $ETH, which you can swap for $RIQ in a $ETH $RIQ trading pair.
    When buying with the BSC way, you need to purchase Binance Coin (BNB) first and then deposit it to a wallet that supports the BSC. These include MetaMask and Trust Wallet. Once you have BNB, you visit the DEX and swap from BNB to SAFEMOON. Telegaon, a blockchain solutions company that provides analysis and educational content for crypto, has made the following price predictions for SafeMoon. Given the extreme risk associated with SafeMoon, these forecasts should be taken with a pinch of salt. Buying SafeMoon in the UK isn’t as straightforward as it is in other markets, but it can be done. This is because purchases need to be made by way of crypto exchange Binance, which is prohibited from carrying out regulated activity here by the UK’s financial watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

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